
Special Conditions Request

Special Conditions Request

The Financial Aid office at 香港六合彩开奖记录 understands that students and/or families may have changes in their household and/or income circumstances. While the formula to determine financial aid eligibility is standard for all applications, there is some flexibility, when appropriate, for financial aid administrators to exercise professional judgment on a case-by-case basis to override a student's dependency and/or recalculate a student's eligibility for financial aid. 

The Special Conditions Request form is a way for students to explain changes to income, life circumstances or unusual expenses that are not currently reflected on the FAFSA. 

If you feel you have special conditions that you would like taken into consideration, you must complete  the Special Conditions Request form, and email it, along with a written statement and appropriate documentation, to

If your family has experienced a change in income due to unusual, special circumstances, your campus financial aid office has Professional Judgment and U.S. Department of Education guided flexibility to re-evaluate your situation for the following reasons:

  • Loss of job or permanent/indefinite reduction of work hours
  • Separation or divorce
  • Personal bankruptcy that occurs during the current financial aid year
  • Death of a member of your immediate family
  • Reduction/loss of child support
  • High non-reimbursed medical expense.
  • Your parents took money out of their pension/retirement plan as a one-time payment to help cover expenses
  • Other documented special circumstances outside of the student鈥檚 control

If you would like to apply for Special Circumstance please complete the Special Conditions Request form so that the FA office can review your current income and make adjustments so as to better reflect the current family income.  Financial Aid advisors are available to discuss your options.  Contact the FAO at 518-562-4125 or

Please Note:

  • Submitting a Special Conditions Request does not guarantee that additional financial aid will be granted.
  • You must provide adequate documentation for your request to be reviewed.
  • The decision by the Financial Aid office is final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education.
  • It may take two to four weeks for a completed request for special conditions to be reviewed and processed.

Additional Resources:
